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When can we expect personal virtual assistant drones?

 Virtual Assistants such as Alexa , Cortana are commonly used these days. They are  capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, streaming podcasts, setting alarms, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, sports, traffic  and other real-time information, such as news. Some of them can also control several smart devices. We are also familiar with drones these days.  Why not combine the power of Virtual Assistants and drones and make something called "personal virtual assistant drones"? The key challenges of creating an integrated system like this is the energy requirement. Batteries having high energy density needs to be used for these applications. With the newer Li Polymer batteries we can build prototypes of these.  These assistants can serve the computational as well as recreational needs of people. With the growing demand for integration and scaling down of product dimensions this seems highly achievable.   
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